An American in Europe

14 November

Amsterdam Day 2

Click “read more” to see photos of Evalinde, Me and Sinterklaas!

It turns out, on Sunday, Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) was coming into town on a white horse.

There was a grand parade, and lots and lots of santa's "helpers." Santa's helpers are all named "Black Pete," a throwback to the days when noble people had slaves.

The Black Pete's ran around acting like morons, falling over themselves, and giving out candy. Like clowns, only they paint their faces black.

I was so disturbed, and told Evalinde, who’s Belgian, that this would never fly in the U.S., as it reminds us of our shameful past with "black face," and all that. But nobody in Amsterdam cared one bit!

I'd never seen so many "fake" black people in my life, they were completely painted, and wearing afro wigs.

Once the surprise wore off, I had a good time.

I'm glad in the U.S. the children think Santa's helpers are elves.

Check it out:

Here’s me with some Black Petes.
Evalinde and I took their little orange flags and waved them around all day.
Photo: AJ with Black Petes

Black Petes were climbing all over the tall buildings, delivering presents.
In Holland, Santa comes down the chimney, but he gets there by climbing up on pulley ropes, apparently. As Evalinde put it, “We don’t have flying reindeer.”
Photo: Black Petes climbing the buildings

The Black Petes are scared to climb the buildings, even though that’s their job, so the children have to yell encouragement.
Photo: Watching Black Petes

This Black Pete couldn’t understand why an adult would want to take a picture with him. So Evalinde explained to him that I’m American, and we don’t have Black Petes in our country.
Photo: Evalinde, AJ, Black Pete

Should I buy shoes or not?
Photo: Evalinde Shoes

Dam Square, waiting for Saint Nick
Photo: Dam Square Sinterklas

Little girl, skipping around, waiting for Saint Nick
Photo: Saint Nick Skipper

Evalinde and I in the place where I bought my sparkly belts
Photo: Scarf Belt Shop

More Black Petes on buildings
Photo: Black Petes buildings

Evalinde and I climbed up on a ledge to watch the Sinterklaas Parade!
Photo: AJ and Evalinde on Ledge

Sinterklaas was preceded by, of course, Black Petes!
Photo: Black Petes Parade

A Black Pete waves to us on the ledge
Photo: Black Pete waving over crowd

Photo: Sinterklas1

Then we met some weird dude who said he was from Canada, but he had an Eastern European accent.
He wanted to follow me to the airport!

Kids on stilts!
Look at Evalinde and I waving our flags with pride! haha
Photo: Stilts Kids

The EU flag goes by
Photo: EU Flag goes by

Evalinde wants to be Barbie some day, but she’ll settle for Bloomberg reporter for now
Photo: Barbie parade

Everyone was singing children’s songs and feeling festive!
I loved it!
Photo: Horse Heads

Meanwhile, on the other side of town. . .

The drug culture
Photo: Mary Wanna Socks

A coffee shop
Photo: Coffee Shop
I went in but didn’t take pictures. Different types of pot on the menu, and people rolling their own smokes. Umm…yeah

No Saint Nicks here
Photo: Reggae Store

A store window, look at these wares!
Photo: Store Window Mary Wanna

Once I had seen enough of the drug culture, we went back to the fun part of town!
Sinterklaas in Dam Square
Photo: St. Nick White Horse

The last photo I took in Amsterdam
Photo: Last Amsterdam Photo

The end!
posted at 09:26:00 on 11/14/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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