An American in Europe

13 November

Amsterdam! Day 1

Click read more to see photos from my trip to Amsterdam!

I flew to Amsterdam on Friday, and met with a colleague there. I realized after hopping on the plane that I had never spoken to her on the phone, didn’t know where she lived, and didn’t have her home phone number.

All I knew was that she worked for Bloomberg. And that was enough for me.

We had a great time! Check it out:

Evalinde and Bernd on the tram
Photo: Riding the tram

The view from Bloomberg in Amsterdam
Photo: Bloomberg view

Bloomberg Amsterdam has free chocolate ALL THE TIME! (In London, they have to hide the time when the free chocolate is put out because we grab it like vultures.)
Photo: AJ Chocolate

Ok, so after I saw Bloom, it was time to see the rest.
It’s really fun to see a city with people who live there!
Photo: Bernd on phone.

One of the many famous museums in the city.
Photo: Rijksmuseum

Outside the museums, they sell reproductions of the more famous paintings.
Photo: Photo Stands

An old-fashioned post card
Photo: Post Card

The Van Gogh Museum is nothing to look at from the outside!
Photo: Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh Umbrellas
Photo: Umbrellas

Playing around with sepia
Photo: Sepia Amsterdam

Evalinde translated this from Dutch, and I think it means something like, “Drawing is working and writing at the same time."
Photo: Dutch Saying

Trying to figure out where to catch our boat
Photo: Boat Trying to Figure Out

I just love the canals!
(Evalinde just wanted me to point out that I was standing higher on a hill for this photo. =)~)
Photo: AJ EE, Hill

Kids walking dogs
Photo: Kids with dogs

People get around via bikes and boats
Photo: Bikes and Boats

“Hey guys, turn around – let me get your picture!”
Photo: Bernd, EE, not posed

Evalinde in the sun
Photo: EE in the sun

After waiting in line for 30 minutes, we finally got on a boat tour!
Photo: Boat Tour 1

The following images are from the boat tour, which went all around the canals and by the Anne Frank house. (As in “The Diary Of…” -- The Frank family went into hiding when the Germans invaded Amsterdam.)

This church is in the Anne Frank house neighborhood.
Photo: Anne Frank Neighborhood

We had a surprise rain shower that went away as fast as it came.
Photo: Boat Tour 3

Photo: Boat Tour 2

We met some Americans
Photo: Boat Tour 4

Photo: Boat Tour 5

Photo: Boat Tour 6

Photo: Boat Tour 7

Check out the tree house on that building!
Photo: Tree House

The boat barely fit through these bridges! There were inches on either side. It reminded me of when I backed out of a tight parking spot once and busted my mirror on a concrete column. Good thing the boat drivers have more skill than I do!
Photo: bridges

A draw bridge on the Amstel River
Photo: Draw bridge

It was sunnier than London, but colder!
Photo: EE Bernd Cold

Amsterdam used to be the center of Dutch trading power, where goods from the Indies were stored and traded.
Photo: Sun Clouds Amsterdam

Image from Dam Square, like the Piazza di San Marco in Venice, only less crowded
Photo: Dam Square1

The Grim Reaper
Photo: Grim Reaper

Taste of home anyone?
Photo: Hot Dog Stand, Amsterdam

Part of the National Monument
Photo: National Monument

Me in a Dutch Shoe!
Photo: AJ Dutch Shoe

Warming up during lunch.
Evalinde’s hands are always cold. But my mom always said, Cold Hands, Warm Heart.
Photo: EE Warming Up

Lunch was goooood!
Photo: Lunch was good!

Back at Evalinde’s awesome apartment!
Photo: EE Bernd Love Birds

Photo: EEs apartment

After I took a nap, it was time to go out!

Bloomberg likes bright colors!
Photo: AJ EE bright

The flower market at night
Photo: Flower market at night

Dinner with Evalinde & Bernd’s friends!
(We were late meeting them. When we were 15 minutes away, Bernd called and said, “We’ll be there in seven minutes.” – Which is hilarious because, who says that? Seven is such an odd number.)
Evalinde, AJ and Maartje
Photo: girls in restaurant

Us with Bridget Jones at Amsterdam’s main theater!
Photo: Theater Bridget Jones

The canals at night
Photo: Amsterdam at night

Places to go shopping!
Photo: Shopping Amsterdam

Where’s the bar?
Photo: Where’s the bar?

Finally, we went to The Koe (that means “the cow”) which is a bar. Evalinde and I left early so we could have fun on Sunday. Bernd stumbled home around 4 a.m., or so I heard. ;)

The End of my first day in Amsterdam!
posted at 08:21:00 on 11/13/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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