An American in Europe
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08 November
Views from a Pole
I met some Poles this weekend, and you might know that Poland was one of two countries, I think, that supported Bush.
I asked a Polish guy at church why Poland felt so differently, and this is what he said. (BTW: He loves Chicago, surprise.)
"We know what has happened during World War II and we know what Communism did. So we will always vote for or support people who erase from history Hitler or Stalin or Saddam Hussein."
mySQL error with query SELECT c.citem as itemid, c.cnumber as commentid, c.cbody as body, c.cuser as user, c.cmail as userid, c.cemail as email, c.cmember as memberid, c.ctime, c.chost as host, c.cip as ip, c.cblog as blogid FROM nucleus_comment as c WHERE c.citem=85 ORDER BY c.ctime: Unknown column 'c.cemail' in 'field list'
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