Last night, went home, showered, went to bed for one hour. Then got up for the Election Party at the U.S. Embassy with journalists from every major U.S. publication and news station, as well as a host of diplomats and government leaders. Was amazing, and so strange, I felt like I was back on American soil.
Then went home for about three hours sleep. Back at work now, wearing the same clothes I wore to the party.
Classy me.
Check out the beginning of this Belfast Telegraph Article, which also appeared in The Independent.
Party time for expats and election junkies
By Matthew Beard and Rob Shaw
The climax to the elections will be watched by tens of thousands of expatriates at parties across the UK until dawn tomorrow.
The hottest ticket will be an invitation to the Quadrennial Presidential Election Celebration at the US embassy in Grosvenor Square. The carefully vetted guest list of at least 1,000 names drawn up by the charge d'affaires, David Johnson, includes scores of diplomats and, in the event's non-partisan tradition, about 100 invites each for Democratic and Republican Party members. To calm the nerves, live music will be provided by a bluegrass group and two barbershop quartets.
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