An American in Europe

02 November


My fellow Americans, you have more power than you may realize.

With anxiety and hope, the world waits to see which leader you will choose for Earth's only remaining superpower.

I am in awe at how much interest non-Americans show in this election.

Local news channels are spewing out campaign details, explaining the electoral college and our state-based voting system.

The faithful bow their heads in church and ask God to watch over the Americans as they vote.

Ordinary folks in Post Offices across Europe offer to pay postage for last-minute absentee ballots.

Business people in offices study U.S. maps on computer screens. Blue states on the coasts, red in the middle, and a sprinkling of undecided grey.

Gamblers place their bets online, the stakes are high.

The decisions America makes affect far more than the 300 million living within the nation's borders.

People all over the world feel as if they have stake in the election, yet they are powerless to affect the outcome. They wait in anticipation to see what the Americans will do.

I imagine the millions in the country I love, dutifully going to the polls. Sadly, no matter who wins, half of them will not be happy.

My gosh, so much power has been bestowed upon the United States, and only those priveleged enough to be citizens can choose the nation's leaders! You choose who commands the world's largest military and leads a nation of wealth.

I'm not saying this so we let our hearts swell with foolish pride, but so you can see a different perspective.

I had to leave the country to realize this.

America, the world is watching.

posted at 02:11:24 on 11/02/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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