An American in Europe
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31 October
Happy Halloween!
Hello! It's Halloween, they celebrate that here too. I'm sitting here in Starbucks blogging before church. I have to leave shortly to head to church, and then I'm off to the Tate Modern to check out a photography exibit! (I'm falling in LOVE with photography!)
If I take any photos of Halloween in London, I'll put them up next week, when I have free time again!
Today I uploaded some pics for you of last weekend at the markets, and yesterday at Stonehenge. I also created a Bloomberg photos page. Just scroll down to see!
For now, click “read more” to see some photos I took during my visit to Parliament Thursday night. My reverend is a Lord and offered to give me a tour!
I came up out of Westminster Tube stop, and saw this!
Just before a storm. I love this photo!! It looks like a painting, but I took it!
The end!
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