Kris, Mark and I headed southwest on Saturday to go back, way back to 5,000 years ago. Click “read more” to see photos of Stonehenge and our foray into the town of Salisbury.
We took British Rail to Salisbury, and then a bus to Stonehenge.
The student admission price of £3.90 includes an audio tour.
Listening to tales of Stonehenge! (It was smaller than we thought. It always looks so huge in photos, but the tallest stones are 18 feet high and weigh 45 tons.)
We all look pretty goofy holding these things, haha!
Plopping down in the path for a photo!
The stones are 1/3 below ground, sticking up like “teeth in the gums of the Earth,” as the audio recording put it.
“Where’s the security around here?” “Yeah, I wonder what would happen if we ran up to it and touched it.”
“Where are the hippies and druids?”
Lot’s of things can be henges, as the word means “hanging.” So you can have a hay henge (as Mark pointed out) or a pig henge. (His idea.)
Here’s Medill Henge
Finally, the sky started to break up. (That’s how it happens in England. It’s really cloudy, and then the sun starts to break through, like Tilex on mildew.)
AJ: “I’m going to set my camera to cloudy day.”
Mark: “Set it to England.”
It took thirty tries to get this photo. For all my friends with digicams who care: Exposure: -2, White balance: Sunny. Effect: Vivid. Mountain setting, Zoom: Zero. ISO speed: 200. When the photo is seen large, it looks amazing, especially with all the little people standing around, like smaller stones.
Kris does tree pose (I think?). You go with your yoga, girl. Nevermind the stares.
Those stones were here long before I was, and will be long after I’m gone.
Next, we headed back to Salisbury. We chilled in the Ale & Cider Press for about 2 hours, eating and talking politics, dogs, relationships and the usual journalistic gossip.
The lovebirds are on the bridge, in case you can’t tell in a mere 400 by 300 pixels.
Feeding the swans
I love this town! We strolled around the River Avon, surrounded by quaint buildings and autumn leaves.
Was Salisbury Steak invented here? We never found out.
They’ll thank me for this photo one day, when they can’t climb trees anymore. ;)
This spire claims to be the highest in England, and inside is a clock that is the oldest in Europe, built in the 1300’s!
Salisbury at night!
Britain’s got a thing for clocks
Kris suggested we get some wine for the train ride home. Hey, I’m all for it! This store sold wine on one side, and art supplies on the other. How very, French.
We’re a classy bunch
So we ended up with Port, and I didn’t like it at all! The first wine I’ve met that I didn’t like. Ick! I drank my cup anyway though.
"Everybody in Salisbury get tipsy."
Me with the wine I didn’t like. Cockburn’s Fine Ruby Port.
Kris's Blog for additional photos!
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