An American in Europe

29 October

“Toofer Fiva!”

Click “read more” to see photos of my strolls through the flower market and Brick Lane markets in East London!

After church on Oct. 24, I went to Columbia Road to the flower market. The market was a street full of flower vendors, yelling and selling. It was impossible to walk down the street without bumping into people, or getting slapped in the face by a flower.
Photo: Flower Market

I could barely understand the vendors’ English!

“Toofer Fiva!” they’d yell. Meaning “Two for a fiver.” A fiver and a tenner are five or 10-pound notes.

“ ‘alf dozen roses .. . ‘ere roses!”

“Toofa fiva, five fa tenna!”

Photo: Flowers boxes

Further down, other stuff was on sale too.
Photo: Pumpkin Cart

Two women go for the same item.
Photo: Hands Purse

After I got bored with the flower market, I wasn’t sure where to go. It was a beautiful day, so I didn’t want to go home. I followed a group of people, thinking they were walking to the Tube. I followed them for about 15 minutes and came upon another market! It was Brick Lane market, which is well known, but I just stumbled upon it!

It’s also the Bangladeshi area of town!
Photo: Covered Woman Fruit

A garage-used-clothing shop
Photo: Skull & Cross Bones

Market images
Photo: Brick Lane 1

Photo: Brick Lane 2

Photo: Covered Woman Brick Lane

Photo: AJ Brick Lane

Bangladeshi shoes
Photo: Shoes Brick Lane

Then I saw the East London Mosque.
Photo: East London Mosque

It had a separate women’s and men’s entrance.
Photo: Men Entrance
The End!

posted at 23:50:00 on 10/29/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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