An American in Europe
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29 October
Sexual Harassment. Panda.
Today I went to Sexual Harrassment training. We sat in a room while a Bloomberg lawyer in New York reminded us over videophone how to behave.
Since this is my fourth job working for a large organization, I'm used to these trainings. But apparently, the Europeans aren't.
In Italy, the Supreme Court ruled that pinching a woman's bum is not harrassment. So Bloomberg has to remind us that Bloomberg policy resembles American laws.
We got to sit around and give examples of actions that might be considered harrassment. Thank God they didn't call on me. I mean, use your imagination people!
Then we went over humorous scenarios, such as naked posters on the cubicle wall, pressuring a colleague to date you, and using your looks to land a sale. For each one, we had to answer the question, "Could this be considered harrassment?"
(Hint: The answer is *always* yes.)
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