An American in Europe
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27 October
Interviewed a CEO today, had to ask him to repeat what he was saying three times. He was saying "petrol forecourt" and I had NO idea what he was talking about. It sounded like "petro fawh cote."
Finally the light bulb, "Oh! You mean those quicky stores stores at the gas station?"
He was none too pleased.
What can I say?
mySQL error with query SELECT c.citem as itemid, c.cnumber as commentid, c.cbody as body, c.cuser as user, c.cmail as userid, c.cemail as email, c.cmember as memberid, c.ctime, c.chost as host, c.cip as ip, c.cblog as blogid FROM nucleus_comment as c WHERE c.citem=70 ORDER BY c.ctime: Unknown column 'c.cemail' in 'field list'
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