An American in Europe

24 October

Clippin' it at Bloomberg

One of the cool things about working for a wire is that it takes your byline far.

Check it out:

Virgin to sell digital player to compete with IPod

Andrea James
Bloomberg News
Oct. 12, 2004 11:03 AM

Virgin Group Ltd., owned by billionaire British entrepreneur Richard Branson, said it will begin selling a portable music player to compete with Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod.

Virgin Electronics, based in San Jose, Calif., said its Player 5GB holds as many as 2,400 songs, or 80 CDs, and weighs 3.1 ounces. It will sell for $249, the same price as Apple's iPod mini, Virgin Electronics Chief Executive Greg Woock said.

Visit AZCentral's Web Site to read the rest!

(I did some searching around on the Internet, and this story has been repeated MANY times, but I wasn't given any credit. But I know they took my story because they used the CEO's quotes that I got in a personal interview. That's journalism!)

posted at 08:57:45 on 10/24/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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