Click “read more” to see pics of John’s second day in London!
Back to the Tower of London. Typical London day – clouds and drizzle!
John captures it all on film, yes, real film. =)
Here we are with 14th century royalty in the Tower of London. You know he’s important because of his red clothes. At that time, red dye could only come from the crushed shells of a red beetle! Purple dye was the hardest to come by, and thus reserved for kings.
“Are you a peasant?” – John
This building is 1,000 years old. Let that sink in. It was built by William the Conqueror after the Norman Invasion in 1066. (The Normans invaded from Normandy, France, get it?) So William invaded England and built the White Tower, which was the first building in the Tower of London. Many other buildings were added throughout history. Right next to this tower is a piece of the London wall, built by the Romans 2,000 years ago. I leaned over the fence and touched it. Shiver. I touched something that was built during the era when Jesus walked the Earth!!
The Christian church was already 1,000 years old when this chapel within the White Tower was built. But at that time, just think, Christianity hadn’t reached North America yet. Everytime I see something this old, I picture the first Thanksgiving, and think how not amazing it was that North America’s natives could grow corn. No offense.
Here’s Henry VIII’s armor. He actually wore this exact thing!!! Wow!
A large man who was King of England, walked around in this getup. He never imagined, I’m sure, that one day it would be mounted in the White Tower, where gaggles of common-blooded folk could gawk at it in sneakers, chewing gum.
I wonder, in 500 years, what common artifacts of ours people will gawk at. Suppose something you owned ended up in a museum? Will passersby pause to wonder about the soul who once occupied it? Will they try to imagine your fears and hopes? Or will they carelessly snap pictures, giggle at the large protective male genital covering, and plod on to the next item?
A real giant owned this armor. That poor man, I bet he led a hard life, being so tall.
We ran into Kris and Mark at the Tower! 8 million people in London, and we saw Medillians! Medill people are like dirt - they're everywhere.

Is she taking a picture of a stuffed bear? Yes. Go to
Kris's Blog to see why.
Next we saw the Crown Jewels, but no pictures are allowed. First you watch a video of the Queen's coronation. So much pomp and fanfare - it gave me goosebumps! Then you stand on a moving sidewalk (or flat escalator) that takes you past the jewels and crowns and septors in glass cases. No photos allowed, and thus none here.
Then over to Trafalgar Square! I’m somewhere in the square, can you find me? Haha.
John at the National Gallery
Here’s me waiting to get on the lion. John wouldn’t come up with me so he took these pictures instead. The kids climb all over it like it’s no big deal, but I’m telling you, it’s scary!

A woman asks me what I think of her friend’s painting.
Ummm ok, so I needed some help getting up there!
A large boost, a pinch of panic and a couple of yells later I was atop the lion!
To my right I could see Big Ben, and to my left the National Gallery.
Afterwards, John and I went to Home House, an exclusive, private London club. I didn’t take photos inside because I thought it wouldn’t be appropriate, but the place was magnificent – like a large mansion with many private rooms. Thank you Dan and Rodney for a wonderful evening!!
Thanks again guys =)
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