An American in Europe

15 October

A Sunday in London

This entry is from the day after the "Free as a bird" entry about the swing set. But I haven't been able to get it online until now. Click “read more” to see some beautiful images of where I go to church, and locations of London's grisly history!

This Sunday, I went to Wesley’s Chapel for church, birthplace and home of John Wesley – founder of Methodism.
Photo: Wesley’s Chapel 1

John Wesley’s Grave
Photo: Wesley’s Grave

Then I headed over to the Thames, near East London.
Here’s me on the London Bridge. (Maybe it didn't fall down after all?) It was so windy!
Photo: AJ London Bridge

Around the neighborhood
Photo: Church London Bridge area

This architecture is so amazing
Photo: Thames, view near Tower Bridge

One of the things I am starting to like about England is the clouds. Even when the sun is shining, the clouds add texture to the sky. Here’s a view from the Tower Bridge. (Note: The Tower of London is actually a fort/castle. Contrary to many Americans' beliefs, the Tower Bridge is not the Tower of London.)
Photo: View, Tower Bridge clouds

Dead Man’s Hole. This site was used to retrieve corpses thrown into the Thames from the Tower. The corpses were stored in a mortuary below until burial. Pleasant, eh?
Photo: Dead Man’s Hole

Ok. I couldn’t resist. Aren’t they adorable?! They are the Queen’s Guards and it’s their job to guard the Crown Jewels. Unless they are being distracted by me and my plucky camera, of course.
Photo: AJ Queen’s Guards

Here’s the Tower Bridge from what I think is the south bank of the Thames. London: The real Disney Land
Photo: Vivid Tower Bridge

This is the Tower Bridge from the other side, North bank? The river bends so much I never know where I am! (I love black and white photos don't you?)
Photo: Tower Black and White

Lot’s of people were killed in this spot via public execution. The Tower of London is behind me.
Photo: AJ Tower Hill

Then I hopped on a double-decker to Trafalgar Square, where all the children and adults were playing near the fountains and climbing all over the lions!
Photo: Trafalgar Kids

Trafalgar Square
Photo: Trafalgar Lots of Statues!

I was scared to climb up on the lion, so I didn’t. The lions are on top of a base that sits at head level. The only way to get onto the base is to climb up, there’s no stairs! Then, once on the lion, there’s nothing to prevent you from slipping off onto the concrete below. I figured I’d come back next week with John! That’s Big Ben in the background.
Photo: Lion Big Ben

Trafalgar, looking up
Photo: Trafalgar Column

The lions watch magestically over the chaos.
Photo: Lion Ominous
posted at 23:50:00 on 10/15/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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