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15 October
My articles
I've been writing articles for Bloomberg for one week now. Most are not available online.
Here is one that is online:
U.K. Home Rental Rates Surge, Fueled by Divorces, Report Says
And here's one that I helped out on:
Santander Abbey Buy Whets Botin's Appetite for More U.K. Banks
mySQL error with query SELECT c.citem as itemid, c.cnumber as commentid, c.cbody as body, c.cuser as user, c.cmail as userid, c.cemail as email, c.cmember as memberid, c.ctime, c.chost as host, c.cip as ip, c.cblog as blogid FROM nucleus_comment as c WHERE c.citem=61 ORDER BY c.ctime: Unknown column 'c.cemail' in 'field list'
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