An American in Europe

13 September

Our Place

Our apartment is really small, but quaint and so Parisian. From the windows you can hear the cries of babes, the clink of forks hitting plates, and idle chatter.

The key to get in looks like a secret garden key: gold and about the length of my hand.

Paris requires that all buildings clean their facades every 10 years, no matter what the costs. And ALL the streets are washed EVERY morning. What a logistical feat! The public transportation system turns out a $1 billion debt every year – but the Parisians don’t care because they love their system.

The streets are so narrow that sometimes cars park on the sidewalk. And nobody cleans up their dog poop! Which, according to one guest speaker, is not a new story.

Click “read more” to see pictures. Hit “back” on your browser to see the rest of the blog entries.

So serene

I drank my tea this morning from the kitchen and took it all in.

Our kitchen

Our windows face many other windows.

Chillin' in the livingroom!

The downside: Like the cars, soda glasses and waistlines, the elevator is really small. It fits only one person comfortably! But us four squish in anyway!

Room for one more?

The place is tiny, but so Parisiene! Us four girls are going to have a fun time here. =)

Hi there!
posted at 09:17:28 on 09/13/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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