An American in Europe

11 October

Hello, my name is AJ, and I am addicted to sleep

I imagine that most of the charismatic people I admire, famous and within my circle of family and friends, wake up every morning wanting to seize the day.

Click "read more" to hear some practical advice.

Thankful to be alive, they emerge from the covers ready to take on what life throws at them. Or at least eager to make a cup of coffee.

I don't understand these people.

Mostly, I just want to go back to sleep.

Therefore, the first moments of every day are filled with irritation and frustration. Only after 15 minutes does the cheery Andrea descend and replace the grumpy, grumbling one.

This is a huge secret I am revealing. My achilles heel.

(My family already knows this. In all our years of vacationing in North Carolina, I never watched the sun rise over the ocean with them. "Take a picture for me," I'd say.)

Getting up before 5 a.m. for Bloomberg is exacerbating this problem. Usually I associate waking that early with excitement -- such as leaving for a family vacation or catching a flight. Not anymore.

The easiest way to get up, I think, is to have someone who loves you wake you. But for those who are less fortunate, I discovered the next best thing.

The alarm clock Nancy provided has both a radio and a beep alarm. Last night I set the radio to play classical music six minutes before the beeping.

This morning, ribbons of violin music gently lifted me out of unconsciousness. And I lay there as my toes resumed existence, and my mind remembered that the waking world can be a wonderful place.

Compare that to the shrill wind-up clock, which pierces your dream and slaps you in the face. Or that annoying beeping that sounds so monotonous, you hit snooze repeatedly just to shut it up.

My only advice is to turn on the beeping for later as backup, in case the music weaves itself into some lovely dream.

Sleep comrades, let me know how it goes.

And for all you morning people, I envy you.
posted at 11:52:53 on 10/11/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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