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09 October
Free as a bird
Click "read more" to read about my morning.
Shortly after my mother died, Daddy and I went to the pound to rescue a dog. When we brought the miniature black lab home, and released her into the yard, she tore off.
Around and around she ran, at top speed. Her sleek black frame whizzed against the green grass. Whoosh, around and around. It was as if she was trying to forget all those months cooped up in the pound, and release all her pent up energy. We could see it in her eyes, she couldn't believe her luck. Although slightly hesitant to get to know Daddy and me, she was eager to know our yard.
That's how I felt this morning when I took off for a run. After a week of long desk hours, I couldn't wait to use my muscles.
I jogged past a playground, and then stopped. It was empty, and the swings looked lonely.
I had nothing better to do.
I turned around and walked hesitantly toward the swingset.
When was the last time I sat on a swing? Was I 9, 10? I couldn't remember. And I grew excited.
Thirty minutes later I was still pumping on that swing. Back and forth, with a goofy grin on my face. Jimi Thing was playing on my MP3 player. And I just leaned back in the London autumn sun.
I wondered if passersby thought me a loon. It helps that I'm an ocean away from everybody who knows me. And my mind was free from work. I tried to figure out the physics behind swings. I thought about how we're never really taught to swing, but are born knowing. And I thought about a million other things that made me smile.
I had to abandon the swing when my legs started hurting. So I jogged to a local park. I was surrounded by baby strollers, children playing soccer and black scooting ravens.
And there I slept on a park bench. =)
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