An American in Europe
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08 October
I love Fridays!
Just had to say that. Sure I stayed out at a pub all night last night, and drank a pint, and then ate Indian food...and thus got 5 hours of sleep last night. But it's sunny, and I'm in London, and it's Friday, and I have a weekend ahead packed with social things! (Drinks with co-workers, movie with Nancy, dinner with Kris and Cub, and a possible party.) And next week John (D.C. friend) comes to visit! Woo hoo! Ok back to the terminals....
mySQL error with query SELECT c.citem as itemid, c.cnumber as commentid, c.cbody as body, c.cuser as user, c.cmail as userid, c.cemail as email, c.cmember as memberid, c.ctime, c.chost as host, c.cip as ip, c.cblog as blogid FROM nucleus_comment as c WHERE c.citem=54 ORDER BY c.ctime: Unknown column 'c.cemail' in 'field list'
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