An American in Europe

01 October

And the whole world watches with us

It amazes me how much the U.S. election is being followed abroad. I've had wonderful discussions about American politics with Brits, New Zealanders, Italians and Frenchmen. Their knowledge of U.S. politics is impressive -- although, I must say they don't understand what goes through the head of Americans.

For all their factual knowledge, they simply don't *get it.* What's "it?"

"It" is what September 11 meant to our country. "It" is the loss of innocence that America has experienced since 2001, and "it" is the national pride and isolation that comes from living in a large country, separated from most of the world by two vast oceans.

I stayed up until 2:30 a.m. London time last night to watch the debate on BBC. Two days ago, I watched a British program where the announcer expressed his disbelief over Bush's popularity. I don't think it's that hard to understand really, but the Brits are truly puzzled.

Watching homeland news from afar is certainly a learning experience.

posted at 09:54:53 on 10/01/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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