My family dropped me off at Philly International at 7 p.m. our time. But before they could leave, I had to rearrange my suitcases because my carry-on was about 20 lbs too heavy! (Thanks British Airways.)
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So there was me, Phyllis and Jay at the checkin line, holding up people while I take my toiletries out of the carry-on and throw them in with my sweaters. ha!
Flight was good. In the middle of the Atlantic, I could see the most amazing night sky. Pin pricks of light everywhere. The little girl sitting next to me kicked me all night long, so I didn't get much sleep. I watched The Stepford Wives and The Little Mermaid on my little t.v. screen.
Seven hours later I was at Heathrow in London, and 5 hours later (argh layovers!) I was in Paris!
I found Lexi, Suz and Monica right away. The next step was to wait for my luggage. One piece is 60 lbs, the other is 70 (or as they say 27 kilos!) As I struggled to load the luggage onto the little pushcart, one lady remarked to me "You pack light don't you?"
Hmmm. sarcasm?
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