An American in Europe
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30 September
Money troubles
Ok - so my ATM card works sporadically. If I'm lucky, the ATM will spit some pounds at me. But most of the time I get a big fat rejection notice, and my card is returned.
"Request rejected."
"Transaction terminated."
"Invalid Card."
Or, this one is the best,
"Your bank has instructed us to return your card to you."
I feel like a criminal, although I haven't done anything wrong. Sometimes I want to kick the ATM machine, but I don't, for fear of making Americans look bad to the queue of people waiting.
My bank, headquartered in D.C., will go nameless. But they can't figure it out either -- especially since the kind American on the other end didn't know that London was a city, and not a country in itself. Sheesh.
This was me, no lie, "U-nited Kiiingdooom." Then she got the UK confused with France. I love Americans.
Don't tell me about matching the symbols on my card to the symbols on the ATM. That doesn't always work either!
Luckily, I got some pounds today at the third ATM I tried. I'm going to get some pizza.
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