An American in Europe

29 September

I had a visitor!

Click “read more” to find out about the visitor who made me laugh this morning. (This is what happens when you are cooped up inside from being sick!)

After breakfast this morning, I was walking through the kitchen and I kicked a pebble.

Upon closer examination, I realized that the pebble was a snail shell. I thought maybe it was left over from Nancy’s breakfast. (Nancy is the woman I am living with.)

“That’s funny,” I thought. Who eats escargot for breakfast? But you never know in this country.

I picked up the shell, and saw wet, gooey stuff inside. I stood there, puzzled, because bubbles were coming out of the shell opening. Then the gooey stuff started to move!

It was alive!

Next, a little head popped out, and then two long antennas. I put it on my hand and the little snail began to slime all over it.

cute lil bugger

He was so cute! I’ve never seen a snail living freely outside of a fish tank! But there he was, oozing over my hand. I felt the same glee I felt when I found a turtle in the backyard as a child.

I put my little friend on the kitchen counter, placed a glass over him and ran upstairs to grab my camera.

When I got back, the little bugger had climbed the sides of the glass!

Side of glass

Slimy worked the counter while I snapped photos of him. He’s quite a stud isn’t he?

work it baby, work it!

Little Slimy is now in the garden after his photo shoot.
posted at 05:39:52 on 09/29/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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