An American in Europe

28 September

Tea time

I’ve already been offered a British cup of tea! Woo hoo! I was delighted.

But the British put milk in it, which ruins it! Yuck!

I drink every cup of tea with five spoons of sugar. No milk.

I don’t think it’s all that shocking, really. But you should see the reactions I get.

And why does everyone, in Paris, London, even the United States, have to remind me that five sugars aren’t healthy? Is there anyone else in the world who likes to drink tea sweet?

I’m beginning to think I’m weird. Also, apparently, chocolate chip cookies and skim milk shouldn’t be a dietary staple – but I’m just not happy without it at least once a day. Usually for breakfast. Mmmmm.

The world would be a happier place if everyone woke up to chocolate chip cookies & milk and drank their tea with five sugars.

Your comments appreciated.

posted at 07:49:11 on 09/28/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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