An American in Europe
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17 September
Normandy: My Thoughts
In Normandy I was so moved, that I had to write in my journal. It wasn't much, just my sentiments at the time.
Click “read more” to see what I wrote.
I’m really sad right now because I feel like I am experiencing a part of my parents’ generations’ history and yet I can’t tell them about it.
I can’t share it with them or ask them about D-Day, World War II, the invasion, Europe. Nothing. The Greatest Generation is dying out, and my parents, aunts and uncles have already gone.
While my family says they haven’t left the country, the truth is that two generations ago they did. And they left to fight in a war with a clean cut difference between right and wrong, good and evil.
Uncle Walter at some time crossed these beaches, fought in France and liberated camps in Germany.
He was here at a completely different time. Sixty years ago Normandy was hell on Earth -- full of death and bodies of men younger than me.
Now, more than half a century later, the sun is shining and a breeze is ruffling my hair.
Summer vacation homes share the coast with cemeteries and war memorials.
It’s peaceful. Green. Full of life.
Maybe there is hope for this warring species.
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