An American in Europe

17 September

Off to Normandy

We're about to head out to the beaches of Normandy in about five minutes.

Isn't that awesome!? (For all of you who don't know history, that is the place where the allied forces stormed France on D-Day during World War II, and the day that ultimately lead to an allied victory.)

Yesterday, Lexi and I jogged to the Eiffel Tower. It was about 2 miles away.

Then we laid on the grass in the sun near the tower.

The speakers have been really awesome too!

A speaker from the New York Times renewed my fervor for journalism.

And yesterday we had conference calls with an NBC correspondent in Tel Aviv, Israel and a CBS correspondent in Baghdad. Both were fascinating, and I'm sure you've seen them on t.v. (Barry Peterson and Martin Fletcher)

Ok gotta go, bus is leaving.

posted at 00:01:00 on 09/17/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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