An American in Europe
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15 December
Next stop U.S.A.
It's 3 a.m. and I'm still packing. My belongings are a mess on the floor and bed.
I couldn't sleep if I wanted to, there's no room on my bed for me.
My mind flashes back 4 months ago, when I sat in my room, filled with the same dread. Only, in Chicago I had to load everything in my car myself, and then drive it 14 hours east. Tomorrow, Nancy will take me to Heathrow, and I will fly 7 hours west.
My whole world is in the U.S. and I'm going back to it. Back to green money, American Mornings, Jiff Peanut Butter, The Daily Show, stars and stripes, and everyone I know and love.
See you all soon,
Love me :)
PS: Check back on this blog for the next few days, I'll post photos of Samantha's and my visit to Paris!
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