An American in Europe

15 September

Takin’ it easy

At night when I go to sleep, all the noises in the other apartment stop and all I hear is the occasional jingle of someone’s wind chime.

Then we wake up in the morning, grab a croissant and head to class. Except for Lexi – she goes running before the rest of us wake up. Word has it that she sleeps on a bed of nails too.

Click “read more” to see the rest including pictures. Hit “back” on your browser to see all the blog entries.

Class for the rest of the week gets out at 12:30 p.m. Not too shabby. That’s supposed to give us time for the assignments that none of us have started yet. Today we went shopping along the Avenue de Champs Elysees instead.

Work? what work?

But before that -- a speaker from the BBC and The McKinsey Report spoke to us. I learned about business journalism in Europe, and the British press. That’s perfect because I’m going to Bloomberg London doing biz writing! The BBC reporter, who now works for Agence France Presse, was so funny. Especially when he imitated the "low class" British accent.


Lexi said he looked like a BBC reporter. Ha! And oh the accent! Made me excited for London.

I found out after class today that I was chosen to be followed for a day for the Global Journalism documentary video. When you have a world-class broadcast school headed by a former NBC producer – of course some video has to be taken of this whole thing! So lucky me, I get to be followed around with the camera, and taped brushing my teeth, finding the Metro and all that.

>>Kris Vera

Guess people will get to see our messy apartment!

Ok picture time. =) I didn’t buy anything today, but the girls did.

Check it out the Arc de Triomphe, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Champs Elysees! (One photo is from the Disney Store, can you guess which one?)

Tomb of Unknown Soldier
AJ & Suz
I have pics of me with police from every city!!
Arc carvings
Arc Sign
I found Nemo!
You knew we had to
A thing of beauty
That's one big purse!
posted at 04:57:37 on 09/15/04 by ajluvsu - Category: General


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