Click “read more” to see photos of our Saturday, which, er, got of to a late start. ;) But ended on two really good notes. ;)
Basel’s Christmas Market in something Platz! =) (What’s it’s name again Michele?)
We bought and drank glühwein!

(How did she go the whole day carrying heavy groceries, no gloves and no hat? Swiss blood.)
A little red-headed angel for the tree.
Cozy inside Cafe Huguenin
Juli makes fondue! She said the garlic kills germs.
Michele and I put the table here and set it!
Ok, so we had to take the table apart and bring it out in pieces, but we still did it! haha
Did you know: Swiss people invent games and rules for dropping the bread in the cheese? The guys said if one of the girls lose the bread, we have to strip, and if they drop it, they have to drink a beer. We didn’t find that very fair, so we scrapped that game!
Did you know: Fondue used to be a poor person’s meal, bread and cheese and filling.
Did you know: A shot of Kirsch breaks the cheese up to prevent stomach aches. And it’s very hard to get drunk on a stomach full of cheese. Thus, all future pictures are sober.
Once full, it was time to go out! mir händs fescht!
Half of me, Juli and Sägi
We’re partying!
This club has real figures that were used in the movie, Alien
Ladies, all the ladies … at Mad Max
They will see us waving from such great heights…
And after that, I stopped taking pictures and danced until about 3 a.m.! ;)
The end of day two.
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