So, I’m feeling sort of dehydrated out here.
Click “read more” to hear about my H2O woes. Click “back” on your browser to see all the blog entries.
I don’t know how the French do it! They barely drink water, or so it seems, and they drink wine with every meal.
This morning I had the worst headache and stomach ache.
I’m sure it’s because the only drink I had in the past 12 hours was wine and soda the night before.
Which leads me to the part where I lost my cool.
My throat and mouth were really dry, but I was trying not to complain or be a downer about it.
Two hours after class, the girls and I sat at a café to have some lunch. In Paris, that usually means a ham and cheese sandwich. You wouldn’t believe how many versions of ham and cheese can appear on a menu!
So I, with a newly-acquired-French-phrase, asked the waiter for “un verre de l’eau.” (Glass of water.) And the waiter kept saying in French, “bottle?”
But I didn’t want a bottle! I just wanted a glass of water! I hadn't had anything to drink in about 15 hours, and the bottled water cost four euros.
I was frustrated. Why didn’t he understand the concept of a glass of water?
So I turned to Lexi, who is fluent in French, and said, “Can you please tell him I want a glass of water?”
Apparently, free water at restaurants is an American concept. So we all had to buy the big bottle of water that costs four euros.
Welcome to Paris.
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