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An American in Europe
30 September
Money troubles
Ok - so my ATM card works sporadically. If I'm lucky, the ATM will spit some pounds at me. But most of the time I get a big fat rejection notice, and my card is returned.
"Request rejected."
"Transaction terminated."
"Invalid Card."
Or, this one is the best,
"Your bank has instructed us to return your card to you."
I feel like a criminal, although I haven't done anything wrong. Sometimes I want to kick the ATM machine, but I don't, for fear of making Americans look bad to the queue of people waiting.
My bank, headquartered in D.C., will go nameless. But they can't figure it out either -- especially since the kind American on the other end didn't know that London was a city, and not a country in itself. Sheesh.
This was me, no lie, "U-nited Kiiingdooom." Then she got the UK confused with France. I love Americans.
Don't tell me about matching the symbols on my card to the symbols on the ATM. That doesn't always work either!
Luckily, I got some pounds today at the third ATM I tried. I'm going to get some pizza.
Big bad London
Click “read more” to see some photos of historic London!
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Some corrections
Apparently they aren’t called snails, they are called slugs. Same as slugs in New Jersey but with shells. (Makes it a lot grosser doesn’t it?)
And the British don’t call snails as food escargot, they call them whelks.
29 September
I had a visitor!
Click “read more” to find out about the visitor who made me laugh this morning. (This is what happens when you are cooped up inside from being sick!)
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28 September
Tea time
I’ve already been offered a British cup of tea! Woo hoo! I was delighted.
But the British put milk in it, which ruins it! Yuck!
I drink every cup of tea with five spoons of sugar. No milk.
I don’t think it’s all that shocking, really. But you should see the reactions I get.
And why does everyone, in Paris, London, even the United States, have to remind me that five sugars aren’t healthy? Is there anyone else in the world who likes to drink tea sweet?
I’m beginning to think I’m weird. Also, apparently, chocolate chip cookies and skim milk shouldn’t be a dietary staple – but I’m just not happy without it at least once a day. Usually for breakfast. Mmmmm.
The world would be a happier place if everyone woke up to chocolate chip cookies & milk and drank their tea with five sugars.
Your comments appreciated.
Making friends
So far I’ve met and exchanged information with a Canadian girl who will be studying at Imperial College in London. I also befriended the woman who sold me my U.K. mobile phone plan. She’s my age, and we are going to party together. Sweet!
British superiority
Passport Control at Heathrow Airport:
British Immigration Officer: (cocking eyebrow, flipping through my passport) “First time out of the country?”
Me: “No, I was just in France, but they didn’t stamp my passport.”
British Immigration Officer: (serious face) “The French don’t stamp passports because they can’t afford the ink.”
I laughed for two whole minutes. No wonder the French and British warred for 400 years.
More pictures!
Click "read more" to see a photo of when I met the crazy Cubans!
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27 September
Grit, chaos and curry - I'm in London
This isn't what I expected.
I'm in the land of the Queen, the mother country, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Dickens. I expected London to feel completely romantic -- but it really feels more like New York -- which, to a Jersey girl, ain't all that.
London is not the city I imagined in my childhood.
Where is the land of Mary Poppins? Or, the scenes from my favorite childhood book, "A Little Princess?"
So much for that.
But, I guess it's not exactly New York.
The cabs all look like black Fords from the 1920's, instead of yellow. And they don't honk nearly as much.
New York doesn't have double-decker busses, and the subway there is easier to figure out. London's is a maze. And don't get me started on the streets. Forget the grid system that U.S. cities use.
London is about 1,500 years older than New York (no kidding) and the original roads were built by the Romans. The Roman roads are the only ones that are straight. The rest wind and twist and change names at random.
But perhaps the best difference is in the excellent Indian restaurants. Those, and the British accents.
I still haven't gotten over them.
25 September
Last night in Paris
I’m sitting in our Paris apartment, sipping water. To my left are two door-sized windows that look out at Parisian roofs and windows. My bags are packed and in one hour the shuttle comes to take me to Charles DeGaulle to fly to London.
Click “read more” to read about my adventures in the final night of Paris.
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More hooka pictures
Click “read more” to see photos of the event described in “Last night in Paris.”
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Finishing up Paris
Click “read more" to see some pictures taken during my final week in Paris, including photos of the demonstration to save the kidnapped French journalists.
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24 September
The Crazy Cubans
I went out to dinner with my group of amigos nuevos on Tuesday night. They are a fun group of people. We ate at Le Soufflet – and it was delicious!
Here’s to new experiences.
Click “read more” to see photos of my dinner with the crazy Cubans. (Hey, they asked to be called that!)
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Fire in the fourteenth
We each had to write a report on our arrondissement, or neighborhood, in Paris. I was given the 14th arrondissement, so I reported on a fire there.
Read what the rest of the class is reporting by clicking
Click "read more" to check out my article!
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21 September
The Turkish Bath - Wear it proud
This story you are about to read tops the list as the weirdest thing I have ever done in my life. It’s a little long, but worth reading – trust me.
Click “read more” to find out what we did tonight in Paris!
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20 September
My French . . .
. . . is not worth mentioning. But to outsiders, or the non-French, they all think I’m a French girl. I’ve perfected my 20 phrases. Le yay!
Breaking dishes
Click “read more” to see photos from dinner last night in the Latin Quarter.
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19 September
Paris in heels
What a Sunday!
Click “read more” to hear about my adventures today by myself in Paris! Photos included.
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Oooohhhh Kaaaayyy
People do the darndest things for donations on the Metro.
Click “read more” to find out what.
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18 September
Speakers’ quotes
Click “read more” to read some of the cool things our guest speakers said.
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17 September
Moulin Rouge
I finished up my Friday evening hanging out with Monica in the Red Light District near Moulin Rouge. C’est bon!
Click “read more” to see photos of Moulin Rouge.
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Finest Hour
Went to Normandy today. I will be writing a news article on the trip, so stay tuned. But check out the pictures while you're waiting!
Normandy: My Thoughts
In Normandy I was so moved, that I had to write in my journal. It wasn't much, just my sentiments at the time.
Click “read more” to see what I wrote.
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Pictures of Normandy
Click “read more” to see photos of Normandy.
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Pictures of Medill Students in Normandy
Click “read more” to see photos of our class at Normandy.
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Off to Normandy
We're about to head out to the beaches of Normandy in about five minutes.
Isn't that awesome!? (For all of you who don't know history, that is the place where the allied forces stormed France on D-Day during World War II, and the day that ultimately lead to an allied victory.)
Yesterday, Lexi and I jogged to the Eiffel Tower. It was about 2 miles away.
Then we laid on the grass in the sun near the tower.
The speakers have been really awesome too!
A speaker from the New York Times renewed my fervor for journalism.
And yesterday we had conference calls with an NBC correspondent in Tel Aviv, Israel and a CBS correspondent in Baghdad. Both were fascinating, and I'm sure you've seen them on t.v. (Barry Peterson and Martin Fletcher)
Ok gotta go, bus is leaving.
16 September
Strolling around Pah-ree
Just me and my camera, Metro pass and French phrase book. I took to the streets of Paris.
Click “read more” to see pictures of Paris on foot.
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Dinner at Will’s place
Will, the master chef, and Lauren and Sara invited us over for dinner.
Click “read more” to see pictures of us at dinner at Will’s.
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An entry from Lexi
Lexi decided to write an entry for my blog!
YAY! All words from here on are Lexi's:
What to do since I’m sitting in the dark in an apartment in Paris with a migraine while mes amis are gallivanting around the city drinking wine? I write an entry for AJ’s blog.
(Click "read more" to read the rest of what Lexi has to say. It's hilarious!)
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Watch OPRAH!
Hey Americans,
Reminder: Oprah Winfrey Show, Sept. 16
I'll be in the studio audience for that episode along with some of my best friends! I'm wearing a hot pink shirt.
Yay! (I won't be able to watch it in Paris)
15 September
Wandered around Paris
Armed with my phrase book, metro pass and a diet coke, I wandered around Paris today, taking in the sights and talking to locals.
I love this city.
Pictures to come.
I'm at a dinner party right now, so I must go be social. haha.
Family, you'll appreciate this: I got a HUGE splinter in my foot tonight from the wooden floor in our apartment building. Luckily, Monica performed minor surgery with a pin to get it out. OUCH! Can I ever travel anywhere without injuring my feet?
But thank God for friends, right?
Medill Love
Click "read more" to see a bunch of photos of Medill people!
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Observations about Paris
Click “read more” to see the rest. Hit “back” on your browser to see all the blog entries.
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Takin’ it easy
At night when I go to sleep, all the noises in the other apartment stop and all I hear is the occasional jingle of someone’s wind chime.
Then we wake up in the morning, grab a croissant and head to class. Except for Lexi – she goes running before the rest of us wake up. Word has it that she sleeps on a bed of nails too.
Click “read more” to see the rest including pictures. Hit “back” on your browser to see all the blog entries.
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H2O woes
So, I’m feeling sort of dehydrated out here.
Click “read more” to hear about my H2O woes. Click “back” on your browser to see all the blog entries.
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14 September
Let's thank David!
Thanks to David who bought me the thumb drive which makes it possible for me to get the pictures from the camera to my lap top to the thumb drive to these French computers!!!
Love AJ
Paris: Wined and dined (again)
Ok, tonight was sooooooooooo cool. We ate dinner at Lee and Berna Huebner’s house. Lee Huebner used to be the publisher of the International Herald Tribune and now he’s a professor at Medill.
Click “read more” to see pictures from the party and read more about it. Hit “back” on your browser to see the other blog entries.
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Paris: Day 1
On Monday morning, we had to be at Sciences-Po university building at 10 a.m. at 27, rue Saint-Guillaume. (Try pronouncing that one!)
Click “read more” to get a load of the speakers Medill lined up for us today. Hit “back” on your browser to see the rest of the blog entries.
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13 September
Our Place
Our apartment is really small, but quaint and so Parisian. From the windows you can hear the cries of babes, the clink of forks hitting plates, and idle chatter.
The key to get in looks like a secret garden key: gold and about the length of my hand.
Paris requires that all buildings clean their facades every 10 years, no matter what the costs. And ALL the streets are washed EVERY morning. What a logistical feat! The public transportation system turns out a $1 billion debt every year – but the Parisians don’t care because they love their system.
The streets are so narrow that sometimes cars park on the sidewalk. And nobody cleans up their dog poop! Which, according to one guest speaker, is not a new story.
Click “read more” to see pictures. Hit “back” on your browser to see the rest of the blog entries.
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Having a super time!
Paris is really beautiful and I got here without any trouble.
But I'm looking for a place where I can upload all my wonderful pictures. The place I'm at right now won't let me connect & install my digi cam. A bientot! (see you later!)
12 September
Out in Paris - Sunday Night
The Medill kids all met at a restaurant. Food and wine flowed freely. Thanks Medill for picking up the tab!
Click “read more” to see pictures from before and during the dinner. Hit “back” on your browser to see the rest of the blog entries.
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Crossing the big pond
My family dropped me off at Philly International at 7 p.m. our time. But before they could leave, I had to rearrange my suitcases because my carry-on was about 20 lbs too heavy! (Thanks British Airways.)
Click “read more” to see pictures and read more! Hit “back” on your browser to see the rest of the blog entries.
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11 September
Testing a picture
Let's see if this works...

This picture was taken during my last trip to Europe.
see my
photography page
My first entry
Ok I decided to be cool like Kris Vera, and create a Europe blog for my travels.
So, three hours before I need to leave for Philly International, I find myself playing around with PHP scripts on my new subdomain: eurotrip.andreajames.net.
Two hours later, it WORKS! Very much thanks to my sister Phyllis for putting up with my computer frustrations!
Love AJ